Groups will be responsible for the following during their 2-hour timeslot:
- To report to a member of the Steering Committee as soon as possible any misuse of the suite, persons feeling unsafe, concerns raised by visitors or reps of Founder’s Day or Hotel, or damage to the suite.
- To provide greeters to welcome people into the suite and give them information about their group and other groups participating in the suite. Greeters should also monitor the room for any issues that require reporting as mentioned in the previous bullet point.
- To provide food and beverages for people visiting the suite to enjoy during their time. Groups can set up their food/beverages 10 to 15 minutes prior to their slot. Special arrangements can be made if more time is needed to prep.
- To provide any special service items utensils etc., to serve your food/beverage items.
- To provide their own heating sources. (crock pots or insta-pots only)
- To provide their own coolers for any perishable items or anything needing to be kept cold.
- To provide garbage bags and paper towels etc., for clean-up after time
The Steering Committee will provide the following:
- coffee and all the supplies for coffee including cups, stir sticks etc., and water.
- standard paper plates, napkins, plastic eating utensils, paper towels and trash bags.
IMPORTANT: Groups or individuals visiting the suite are not to use hotel towels for any clean-up whatsoever and may be asked to reimburse the Steering Committee for any damage to hotel property charged to the suite based on the nature of the damage and circumstances.